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     As this book was nearing completion, I asked myself a simple question, "Why did I write it?" The answer can best be summed up in three parts. I wrote this book:
     1) to bring a measure of reality to our understanding of the coming King and His kingdom;
     2) to expose the strategy of the antichrist spirit's warfare against the church;
     3) to re-establish strategic purpose to the church as we fight in the war.

The Reality of the King and His Kingdom
     Many are excited about the return of Jesus. We are supposed to love and look for the appearing of Jesus Christ and His kingdom. But much of the excitement today is focused on the idea of leaving earth and going to heaven. This is not the message Jesus preached! Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."
     Many Christians have a perception of life after Jesus' return that is so mystical and unrealistic that they may actually be in danger of missing it! Consider the Jews at the time of Jesus first coming. Those who were supposed to be most informed scripturally had such an unrealistic idea of what Messiah's coming would be like, that they failed to recognize Him when He appeared! 
Generally, people's views focus on one of two extremes. It seems most Christians don't realize that their works are dynamically connected to the return of Christ to and the appearing of His kingdom on this earth. Thus, expecting to leave this world behind, they take little or no responsibility for the condition of the world and are often found waiting instead of working. Others take so much responsibility, that they bury themselves in the work of God instead of worshipping the God of the work. In this extreme it is easy to lose the passion for Jesus' return.

The Strategy of Antichrist Against the Church
     The spirit of Antichrist that is responsible for promoting these unrealistic ideas of the second coming and the kingdom of God. This spirit has promoted a counterfeit version of its strategy for the purpose of misguiding the church. Therefore, causing us to look and think in the wrong direction, it  distracts us from the work of preparation that must be completed for the kingdom to appear. But by clearing away the enemy's smokescreens, truth and purpose becomes more clear.

The Strategic Purpose of to the Church
     It is my opinion that a clearer sense of purpose is needed in the church today. I believe this is true, not only on the individual level, but on the corporate level as well. I certainly do not claim to have complete understanding of God's purpose and this book can only scratch the surface concerning the issue of purpose. Nevertheless, there is a foundation of purpose that must be laid if we are to build beyond our personal goals and expect what we build to endure. For this foundation, God has placed a passion in my heart.
     It is difficult to understand one's own purpose without a foundational understanding of God's purpose for the church and His strategy to accomplish  it. Lacking this foundation, sincere Christians stand in danger of reaching their goals and finding themselves stalled and without direction, easy prey for personal ambition. Those with selfish ambition open themselves up to every evil thing and often find themselves working against God, though it is not their intent. 
     Christianity has experienced many revivals and renewals throughout history. Some were so powerful that it seemed the world would bow its knee and Christ would appear and reign in His kingdom. But lacking the foundation of purpose, the church has consistently shown that it will drift from the straight and narrow road to the side streets of selfishness and confusion. Personal ambition, disguised as God's purpose, has slain the mighty and caused great revivals to grind to a halt.

What the Reader Will Receive?
     It is my prayer that this book will provide more than knowledge; knowledge alone produces pride, but knowledge with a purpose produces inspiration and motivation. It is also my prayer that this book will ignite a fire that produces disciples with a holy passion; disciples who will not  be satisfied until they have put on immortality and see the appearing of God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

 —Brad Sherman


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