by Brad Sherman


Church and Government
     For most Christians, church and government are two different roads which briefly intersect from time to time as they travel through life. But in reality, the Bible presents church and government more like two parallel lanes on the highway to the Kingdom of God.  Unfortunately, the idea of Church and Government working together for a common goal is a foreign concept for most Christians. The result is a whole culture of Christians who, if they venture into the political arena, somehow feel they are no longer traveling a spiritual road. As a result of this flawed mentality, it might be accurate to say that the church has become so heavenly minded that it does little earthly good.

     Those Christians who possess the spiritual insight and political resolve to travel the kingdom highway of church and government are few and, as a result, Christian influence on the culture has been steadily decreasing. We need a renewed vision, a new theo-political paradigm that strengthens our resolve to see godly government on earth, instead of undermining it.

A New Paradigm
     A paradigm is a set of ideas and beliefs which form a mental box. This box provides conceptual boundaries which govern our reasonsing process. Once a box (paradigm) takes shape, it governs how we interpret the information that comes our way and rejects information that does not fit within its parameters. If our box is composed of correct ideas, then it is a good box, protecting us from wrong thinking and reasoning. It defines our vision and shapes our destiny.

     Do you have a box that is rejecting important information about the Kingdom of God and its influence in this world? Given the waning influence of the church in this world, I submit that most Christians have a set of ideas about eternity and the kingdom of God which are counterproductive to the level of authority and victory that we should experience. We need to "think outside the box."

       I invite you to examine the information presented in The Kingdom Paradigm and see if this study changes your paradigm regarding the kingdom of God and how to  influence this world.

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Chapter Index
Chapter 1 - The Need for a New Paradigm
Chapter 2 - Abandoning the Old
Chapter 3 - Politics of the Kingdom
Chapter 4 - Biblical Dominion
Chapter 5 - Can We Know the Future?
Chapter 6 - Four Millennial Views
Chapter 7 - The Day of the Lord
Chapter 8 - Biblical Rapture
Chapter 9 - Tribulation and Persecution
Chapter 10 - The Spirit of Antichrist
Chapter 11 - Is Heaven Our Eternal Home?
Chapter 12- Preparation Theology

Chapter 13 - Cognitive Prophetic Cooperation
Chapter 14 - And I Saw Thrones
Chapter 15 - Engaging the Politics of this World
Chapter 16 - The Wolves Are Voting
Chapter 17 - Satanic Sacraments
Chapter 18 - Resisting Satan's Mark
Chapter 19 - Hastening Toward the Goal
Chapter 20 - The New Jerusalem
Chapter 21 - The War of Preparation
Chapter 22 - Cause and Unity
Chapter 23 - Love His Appearing
Chapter 24 - Kingdom Conclusions

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(c) Copyright 2013, Brad Sherman