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![]() Answers to the questions 1. Which one of the following is most important to preserve freedom in America?
a A strong standing military b Understanding history and the Constitution c Good leaders in Washington DC d Laws to protect the public from crooks and thieves 2. Do you believe freedom in America is:
a decreasing b increasing c holding steady 3. True or False
The goal of America’s founders was to establish a government that would give certain unalienable rights to its citizens. 4. Taxation Part I:
How much of your income do you think is appropriate for government to take in taxes? _______ % 5. Taxation Part II: What percentage of the average American’s income is taken as taxes? a 3% b 10% c 27% d 59% 6. True or False
The Federal Reserve is a government institution that is authorized by the Constitution to print or coin money. 7. The right to keep and bear arms was spelled out in the Second Amendment so United States citizens could:
a protect themselves against murderers and thieves b fight off invading armies c both a and b above d resist our own government in the event it grew tyrannical 8.
What form of government did the founders say was unstable and
incompatible with personal security or the rights of property?
a Democracy b Monarchy c Republic d Communism 9. Which form of government provides the most freedom?
a Democracy b Monarchy c Republic d Communism 10. The phrase “separation of Church and state” is found in:
a The Declaration of Independence b The US Constitution c The Bill of Rights d None of the above 11. True or False
The phrase, "You cannot legislate morality." is a common cliche'. Do you think it is true or false? |
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The Knowledge Is Power Project is brought to you by Purpose Ministries (c) copyright 2014, Brad Sherman |